Getting Through the Holiday Season
Relax, unwind, slow down
Relax, unwind, slow down. My motto for this time of year. We are knee deep into the holiday season and I see the frenzy happening. I jokingly call myself Lady Grinch because I work hard not to get wrapped up in Black Friday shopping and impulsive gift-buying.
The thought of running around for an entire month to buy things that people may not want or use makes me anxious.
ABC News reports that the average American will spend about $700 on Christmas gifts. My conspiracy theory is that capitalism and the powers that be, have strategically planted this “holiday frenzy” in our minds to push spending. We buy things that people don’t really use. Spending money we don’t really have.
Just think about it. We literally have a holiday every other month and we’re inclined to spend money on food, decorations, or gifts. That includes Valentine’s Day, New Year’s Eve, Memorial Day…finish the list.
I understand the logic behind gift-giving. It’s a way of showing love and appreciating for the special people in our lives. Many people get satisfaction in finding that perfect gift. I can totally respect and admire that.
I participated in gift exchanges with family until a year ago. At this time, I was a newly single mom with a 1-year-old, had a new apartment, new job, and little disposable income. Making the choice to not buy gifts was tough at first. I didn’t want to disappoint my mom, niece, and nephews.
Many people are in this position, they don’t have disposable income but feel obligated to purchase gifts. The average American has about $6,354 in credit card debt for this reason (USA Today). We live in a spending culture with easy access to borrowed money.
It’s perfectly normal to find holiday shopping stressful, tedious, or just out of your budget. Opting out of buying Christmas gifts is a choice we should all feel comfortable making. Telling family and friends may initially be an awkward conversation. However, the people who truly care about your sanity and budget will understand. It may also help someone else recognize how the season impacts them. They may feel empowered to make choices that help them relax, unwind, and slow down.
CLICK HERE for some ideas on gift alternatives.