Fitness and Toddlers, Do They Mix?
So you have a toddler and you’re ready to establish a workout routine! Two things that seem as incompatible as water and oil. Trust me, it can be done by setting realistic expectations of what fitness looks like with a toddler around. Here are the five stages of working out with a toddler.
#AD Compression shorts by Thermajane
Stage One: They *might* be interested. The number one reason to workout with your kids is to create healthy habits early on. We all know kids imitate their parents. This is the best opportunity to get them started on the right track. Stage Two: They will abandon the task. They will not finish whatever fun activity you have planned. YOU might not finish whatever you have planned. Just remember that you made an effort.
Stage Three: Now is the perfect time to need momma’s attention. You’ll get interrupted for milk, potty-time, and lots of hugs and kisses. Redirecting may buy you more time. At this stage I introduce a little TV to keep my son occupied.
Stage Four: They may wander off. Whether you’re at home or outside. Your toddler might get bored with the activity and wonder off. If this happens, take it in stride. Find them, bring them back, and get back to your workout!
Stage Five: At some point, you might abandon the workout altogether. It might be to hunt your kids down or out of pure frustration. That is perfectly fine. Health is a continuum. Make plans to try again another day. You are more likely to be consistent by workout out 15 minutes 3X a week vs. 2 hour every other week.
Overall getting fit with your toddler might not look or feel like a “real workout”. You might not break a sweat or finish a full rep without moving a little person out of your way. But it can be fun and full of laughter.
#AD Compression shorts by Thermajane